
Our corporate values include honest, Hanseatic behavior based on the example of an honorable businessman and conscientious dealings with each other. We want to live these values and let ourselves be measured by them. With the help of compliance, we ensure the protection of our customers, our employees and our partners.

At HanseMerkur, compliance not only includes all of the precautions taken to ensure that legal and other mandatory regulations are adhered to, but is an integral part of our actions.

Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

For HanseMerkur, respect for human rights and environmental due diligence has always been a fundamental part of our responsible corporate governance and our social responsibility.

Complaint procedure according to the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

If you have information about human rights and environmental risks as well as violations of human rights-related or environmental obligations that have arisen through the economic activities of HanseMerkur in its own business area or a direct or indirect supplier, you can pass on relevant information securely and confidentially to our compliance department using the following E-Mail or by post to:

HanseMerkur Health Insurance AG
Compliance Department (confidential)
LkSG complaint procedure
Siegfried Wedells Place 1
20354 Hamburg

Details about the complaint procedure can be found in our procedure rules.