Homeopathy – Healing Like with Like
Samuel Hahnemann founded homeopathy at the end of the 18th century. “Similia similibus curentur – healing like with like” is the name of a central therapeutic approach in homeopathy. A drug that causes certain reactions in a healthy person cures the same symptoms in the sick person, according to the theory.
The second pillar of homeopathy is dilution (potentization). The more diluted a substance is, the better it works. In conventional medicine, exactly the opposite applies: the higher the dose, the stronger the effect. The starting materials for homeopathic remedies are plants, animal substances and minerals.
Homeopathy is a stimulation and regulation therapy. The homeopathic remedy creates a stimulus in the body to which the organism responds. As a result, regulatory mechanisms that were previously impaired by a disease are accelerated and optimized. The homeopathic remedy itself has no effect, but it activates the body’s regulatory circuits.
Samuel Hahnemann came up with the active principle of homeopathy in 1790 through a self-experiment. He took a higher dose of cinchona bark, a common remedy for malaria at the time. It caused him the same symptoms as malaria itself. Further experiments brought the same result and finally led Hahnemann to his basic insight that like can be cured by like. Homeopathy translates to “similar disease”.
» Diluted works better: The second key finding was that diluted remedies produce a better effect. In Hahnemann’s time, however, remedies had to have strong effects. For example, doctors administered mercury in such huge quantities that some of the disease progressed dramatically. It is believed that the composer Mozart also died of chronic mercury poisoning. At that time, it was not yet known that each medicine has its own therapeutically effective dose, ranging from a low ineffective dose to a high toxic dose.
When the dose was reduced, the condition of many patients improved because it was back in the safe range. This positive, sometimes life-saving experience led Hahnemann to believe that a cure was possible by means of targeted dilution.
Potentization: He developed his own method of dilution, the so-called potentization. In this process, the substances are diluted, shaken or rubbed in an alcohol-water mixture or in lactose (globules) in several stages and in certain processes. Every single dilution step must be separate. Theoretically, this elaborate dilution work is intended to transfer the “information content” of the substance to the carrier substance – i.e. alcohol or lactose – and to promote the dynamic forces of the remedies.
The more dilution work is done, the stronger the healing effect is said to be. Even today, very high dilution levels (potencies) are used. In these homeopathic remedies, not a single molecule of the original substance is detectable. Thus, the power of the remedy increases to the extent that the work of dilution increases and matter decreases. The regulations for this are written down in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia (HAB).
» D1, D2… D23: A dilution can start, for example, from a concentrated plant extract (mother tincture), which often also withstands conventional medical evidence. If the extract is diluted 1:10, it is called a D1 potency. If this dilution is diluted 1:10, D2 is formed. It works the same with dilutions of 1:100 (C1). LM potencies (also known as Q potencies) are said to be highly effective. Here, 1:50,000 is diluted. From a potency of D23, there is no longer a molecule of the starting substance in the carrier substance.
Patients need to describe their symptoms and the circumstances surrounding them in great detail so that the homeopath can find the right remedy. For example, the term “headache” alone is not enough. This is because headaches after excessive alcohol consumption require a different therapy than headaches that occur after too long exposure to the sun. Different people often have to take different remedies for the same disease. For homeopathic remedies, there is no leaflet with instructions for use. When choosing the right remedies, it is important to grasp the human being in his or her entirety, uniqueness and uniqueness.
In addition to this classic homeopathy, there are also so-called complex remedies. They contain several proven homeopathic substances against a specific disease and are sold in ready-to-use form (e.g. against hay fever).
Only a few homeopathic remedies require a prescription, for example for opium in a dilution up to D5/C2. Most preparations are available without a prescription. In contrast to conventional medicines, homeopathic remedies do not have to provide proof of efficacy. Nevertheless, they are registered with the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM).
The initial examination with a classical homeopath takes at least one hour and costs between 75 and 150 euros. The medication ranges from 5 to 25 euros.
Doctors and alternative practitioners are allowed to prescribe homeopathic medicines. Doctors and pharmacists with the additional designation “homeopathy” have undergone training that is defined by the Medical Association/Chamber of Pharmacists. There is no regulated training for alternative practitioners. Further training seminars or books for lay people are offered, but they are only allowed to treat themselves.
The body must be able to react to the stimuli (homeopathic remedies). Even homeopathy cannot restore destroyed cells or functional circuits. Homeopathy is used for many acute and especially chronic diseases. Examples are allergies, immune deficiency or psychosomatic complaints.
Serious or acutely life-threatening diseases, cancers or serious infectious diseases for which there are specific and proven medications (e.g. tuberculosis, malaria, sexually transmitted diseases) should not be treated purely homeopathically. However, it is possible to combine it with conventional medical treatment.
Side effects
Homeopathy is considered to be free of side effects. A few hours after taking the remedy for the first time, there may be a short-term “initial exacerbation” of symptoms, which is considered favorable. It indicates that a remedy has been found that is most like the patient and his complaints. The accompanying effects are the reaction of the organism to the stimulus.
During treatment, patients are not allowed to drink caffeinated beverages such as coffee or cola. Essential oils (menthol, eucalyptus), which are also contained in toothpaste, sauna infusions or scented oils, also have a disturbing effect.
Proof of impact
In classical homeopathy, it is not the symptoms that are treated, but the whole person. Reliable scientific studies are therefore difficult to carry out. There is often a wide gap between positive practical experience and research results. Some studies have come to the conclusion that homeopathy is no better than placebo for some diseases.
Alternative Medication in the UAE
Alternative medications, including traditional herbal remedies and holistic therapies, are available in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). However, it’s important to note that the regulation of alternative medicine varies from country to country, and what may be considered acceptable in one place may not be in another.
In the UAE, alternative medicines are regulated by the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP). The government has established regulations to ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of these products. This includes the registration and licensing of alternative medicines and therapies.
Some common types of alternative medicine available in the UAE include:
- Herbal Medicine
- Ayurveda
- Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
- Homeopathy
- Naturopathy
It’s essential for individuals seeking alternative medicine in the UAE to consult with qualified practitioners and ensure that any products or therapies they use are approved by the relevant authorities. Most policies offered by insurance companies in the UAE include alternative treatment as a benefit.