How can you strengthen your inner self?
Patience and perseverance – a high level of mental resilience has undisputed advantages. A lot of this depends on the inner attitude and how you deal with certain situations. And you can work on both. The following applies: Your mental immune system needs a little time to become stronger.
Have both feet firmly on the ground
Being in the here and now – “grounding” oneself is an important part of one’s own resilience. This ability helps to free oneself from a carousel of thoughts or to get a clear head. Sit down and consciously take in your surroundings with all your senses: What do you see, what smell, what do you taste, what do you hear? Try to describe it to yourself. You can do this exercise again and again in between, without a specific reason.
Don’t be afraid of losing control
Crises are part of life – don’t fight them. It is important to keep in mind that you cannot influence or “control” all situations. And that’s perfectly okay – it is precisely this acceptance that is an important skill of resilient people. In order to train your mind, you should leave your comfort zone more often and dare to try something new. This way you get practice and stay calmer when something unforeseen takes you out of your comfort zone.
Recognize Stress
To effectively combat stress, you need to know what is actually stressing you. Sometimes it’s a lot of little things that add up. Take the time to sit down and write down what fills your stress barrel (and ultimately causes it to overflow). Are there any points you can counteract? For example, by preparing a weekly meal plan or communicating more clearly what you want and what you don’t?
Find Energy Sources
If you’re already sitting there with pen and paper, write down what the things are that make you happy. Are you passionate about crafting? Do you like to cook? Do you like to walk through nature? Do you like to look at old holiday photos? Use your list to regularly incorporate a mood brightener into your everyday life, or to get in a good mood.
Keep your eyes on the target
On your way, don’t focus so much on the potholes, but direct your gaze to the goal. The advantage: If you are active or looking for solutions, you have the feeling that you can influence situations and not be helpless. Incidentally, this also includes taking responsibility. For example, by not only perceiving yourself as a victim, but also acknowledging your own part in a situation. This can be influenced.
Gratitude Journal
It sounds trite, but good feelings make even more good feelings. A positive feeling that everyone knows is gratitude. However, most people are not aware of this enough. Simple, effective exercise: Take a short time in the evening and write down three things you were grateful for that day.
Seeing the Positive
You can also use the feeling of gratitude for yourself in concrete stressful situations: Try to get something positive out of a stupid situation. Have you made a mistake? Great, then you know what you can do better next time! Through such a reassessment, you can – as trite as it sounds – perceive crises as opportunities and take advantage of them.
Strengthen your self-esteem
Those who have confidence in themselves and their abilities are also better able to deal with difficulties. What are you particularly good at? Which crises have you already successfully mastered and what has helped you? If you don’t have an idea right away, you can also ask those around you about your own strengths. Be aware of them and use them in a targeted manner.
Strengthen the social network
Cultivate your friendships – both privately and professionally. If you have the feeling that you have an environment that supports you in times of crisis, you automatically react more calmly. Make a concrete list of the people around you that you can rely on. And actively cultivate these relationships. So talk to these people calmly about your worries and needs, often this helps. For example, relativizing or reflecting on a problem. And: Asking for help is not a weakness!
Mini Meditation
You can also break the stress cycle with a mini-meditation. Take a minute, close your eyes and try to let a little bit of tension flow out of you with each exhale. The more often you practice this, the better it works!
Be Good to Yourself
Body and soul influence each other. A smile, for example, quickly lifts your mood – even if it’s just fake. Therefore, take good care of yourself, make sure you exercise regularly, eat healthy food and get enough sleep. This is automatically good for your soul.
Handling Stress in the UAE
With a fast-paced lifestyle in the UAE, it’s easy to stress yourself out and lose control. With an increased importance of happiness in this multi-cultural environment
the UAE also prioritizes initiatives aimed at promoting happiness and well-being among its residents:
- Government initiatives: Establishment of the national program for happiness and wellbeing.
- Community Engagement & Infrastructure Development: Various cultural, recreational, social events and recreational facilities such as parks, public spaces to aim at a better quality of life, providing residents with outlets for relaxation and leisure activities.
- Cultural values: The UAE places importance on cultural values such as hospitality, tolerance, positive social environment and a sense of community.
While stressors exist in the UAE due to various reasons, the government’s focus on happiness and well-being, coupled with community engagement and infrastructure development, plays a crucial role in fostering a positive environment for residents.